“To be sentimental, to be emotional, is not love, because sentimentality and emotion are mere sensations. A religious person who weeps about Jesus or Krishna, about the guru or somebody else, is merely sentimental, emotional. He is indulging in sensation, which is a process of thought, and thought is not love. Thought is the result of sensation. So, the person who is sentimental, who is emotional, cannot possibly know love.”
The paragraph above is a Krishnamurti quote that was on Facebook. I find the problem with taking a quote like this out of context can lead people astray. What might happen is people reading it might think enlightened people do not feel. An enlightened person might get a reputation of not being affected by anything, which could set society up for missing the evolved person when they meet them. They might see them crying at a movie and assume that they are unevolved.
Another scenario is a person may try to stop being emotional because they read as you evolve, you are not affected by sentimentality. They may think you stop caring about anything. My teacher used to use an anchor analogy. A person who has an immovable anchor at their core feels everything. If they are inclined to be emotional, they will cry at a movie, but there is a part of them that is unshakable at the core. You can be sentimental, but at the same time, you are connected to a place that is untouched by it all.
Now, this idea of love and being able to truly love. I agree; without the immovable anchor, our love might be a little more superficial. It might be based on a more surfaced premise. As we start to anchor into ourselves, our connection to love wells up from a more pure place, uninhibited by selfish motives. The love is more directed from the inside out rather than the outside in. Once lines and divisions become softer and you feel at a more profound place, how can you hate? You start to directly feel the person or belief that is right in front of you. The person and their beliefs transcend inside of you, and you begin to understand them. Feeling them so profoundly and mirroring that back to them is love. The emotional love has now transcended to the depths of what is.
It is not about being emotionless. The beauty of being human and existing from the depths of who we are at our core is about experiencing life at its fullest and purest form on all levels of life.